Welcome to the Percussion Play Blog

We hope you'll be a regular visitor as we share stories about the instruments we make and the people who play them.

This is where we share our passion for music in the great outdoors! We'll share with you details of exciting new outdoor music projects and designs from around the globe. We'll share with you information about the instruments we sell and a little about the inspiration behind them

Most importantly, this blog is about what we love to do the most - help you create new and exciting ways to bring music to the great outdoors.

Thank you for reading, visiting, commenting and contributing - we’re excited to have you here!

Everyone, Meet Fry!

Joining us recently is our new Sales Support Administrator, Daniel Fry Maguire.

Fry, as his friends call him, joined the Percussion Play team at the beginning of the year and has very quickly found his feet and is looking forward to bringing his passion for both great customer service and music into his new role.

A self-taught guitar player, who has felt the power and impact of music first hand, Fry's connection to music has given him lifelong friends, incredible memories, unforgettable experiences, supported him in times of need and has had a lasting effect on his life.

Fry tells us "Joining Percussion Play is beyond exciting! It will give me the chance to give back as much joy as music has given me. Being part of this team is like joining a new band, we all share one common interest and mission, bringing the magic of music to everyone!"

Welcome to the band Fry!

Blog - New Team Member (Fry)

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge Encourages Children to 'Express Themselves' - Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

We are almost halfway through ‘Children’s Mental Health Week 2021’: an awareness week launched by Place2Be in 2015 in an effort to ‘shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health’. Now in its seventh year, they hope to encourage more people than ever to get involved and spread the word. Sadly, around three children in every primary school class has a mental health problem and many more struggle with challenges from bullying to bereavement. Nobody should have to face mental health problems alone and it is hoped that greater awareness and understanding of children’s mental health along with approaches that foster positive well-being in schools and communities, will support them to find ways to positively express how they are feeling and seek support when needed.

This year's theme is 'Express Yourself'. Learning how to express themselves, who they really are, is critical to a child's mental, social, and emotional growth. Self-expression...

Libraries Coming Alive With The Sound Of Music!

We all know libraries as amazing places for discovering books, however in today's world “looking something up” rarely requires a trip to the local library. This has seen a need for local libraries to reinvent themselves and many have regenerated into thriving community centers - just as dedicated to learning but now in many different forms.

Modern libraries actually have more to offer their customers than ever before with an even more critical function - serving as enriching centers that encourage literacy, research, learning, and community involvement on a broad scale. Vibrant community hubs that offer free activities where people can try something new and/or develop their skills or artistic talents.

Increasingly, the discovery of new experiences is at the heart of what libraries are about, bringing people and places to life. Re-imagining the trusted space of the library as a place to discover something new – such as art, culture, and, of course, music.


Sit Back & Enjoy!

This year, more than ever, we have witnessed how the power of music can bring us together as a community. We've seen people finding new and inspiring ways to remain connected to one another, even whilst physically separated. Videos from all across the world appeared, showing communities of neighbors - between apartment blocks, along streets, across balconies - coming together in solidarity to make music. Music frees the soul. It allows you to express yourself in ways that are unimaginable. It makes people feel more connected and it creates memories that will last for a lifetime. It doesn’t matter what you believe in or what you stand for, music is for everyone.

Our newest film delightfully demonstrates the lasting impact music, and particularly music made in the great outdoors has on us as well as the instant joy it brings. No matter who you are or where you come from, music has the power to automatically bring people together.

As we collectively look forward to life returning...

The Beat Goes On - New Inclusive Mallets for Babel Drums and More

Both our Babel Drums and Petal Drums were originally designed to be played with the hands and fingers - this really creates a feeling of connection with the drum and will produce some wonderful mesmerizing sounds. However, whilst this playing method doesn't require much effort or indeed any special musical skills (although it can require a little practice to get the technique nailed), we've realized that older players or those with Arthritis, tender hands, or finger joints could be being denied the opportunity to participate in the musical fun.

We want as many people as possible to engage with our instruments and welcome the challenge of prioritizing inclusive design and product accessibility. With this in mind, we have designed these new smaller lightweight 'Babel Drum Mallets' that are just perfect to use with not only these instruments but are versatile enough to be used to play on any of our instruments by players suffering from a very weak or painful grip or those with limited...

Listening To and Making Music Helps Understand Feelings and Emotions

Music can be a great tool for young children to express themselves and their emotions. Children often find it difficult to articulate their feelings because they may not have the vocabulary to describe how they feel. Instead, they may resort to crying, throwing tantrums or having meltdowns. Teaching children about basic emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness, and fear from as early as two years old can help them understand and express their emotions better. As children grow older, they can learn to identify and express more complex emotions like frustration, nervousness, and shyness.

Music and play are powerful tools for children to learn about feelings, explore them, and practice how to express and manage them. However, music is not only beneficial for children but also for people of all ages. It is a highly effective way to express ourselves and cope with challenging circumstances in life. When we engage in music, we bypass social conditioning and conscious thought, and we directly...