We are pleased to announce the publication of our newest white paper Five Notes For All: The Power of the Pentatonic Scale and what better day to share this than International Make Music Day?
Wherever you are in the world on the 21st June, the chances are you are never too far away from some great music as the annual Make Music Day grabs the world by storm. But here's a great leveller: all of the fantastic musicians you'll hear were amateurs once and the beauty of the pentatonic scale is how easy it is to play whatever your level. Consisting of five notes and found in practically every form of music in the world, the Pentatonic scale contains almost no clashing or disonant notes. Put another way, you can play almost any notes of a pentatonic scale in almost any combination, and they’ll sound great together.
It’s wonderful to improvise using a scale which always sounds good. So, what is a pentatonic scale and how did it come to be? Our FREE white paper explores the theory behind the scale, it's origins and relevance today.
We hope you're having a fantastic #MakeMusicDay wherever you are in the world.
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With fresh and engaging content, our collection of white papers are the result of extensive research. Serving as a knowledge hub, we are pleased to present this area for those interested in meaningful content related to music, musical play, music therapy and health.