Music Made For The Great Outdoors Podcast

Our new podcast, "Music Made for the Great Outdoors," celebrates communities embracing the benefits of creating music in outdoor settings. This series showcases the individuals, groups, and communities that have discovered and are advocating for the extraordinary benefits of outdoor musical instruments in various outdoor settings for people of all ages and abilities. Join us on this auditory journey as we discover the innovative ways in which communities across the globe are embracing the outdoors as their stage.

An interactive Music Garden designed by high school student Eileen English in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, aims to reignite interest in music among young people. Located in Vollrath Park, this installation features outdoor musical instruments as part of a "Storywalk" narrative about a monkey named Coda learning to play music. The project showcases five stations, each with a unique instrument and a story page, inviting community members of all ages to explore music-making. Eileen, who is also involved in her school's drumline and the Sheboygan Youth Symphony, chose accessible and engaging instruments after researching local children's preferences. The Music Garden has become a beloved community spot, celebrated for its inclusivity and the spontaneous joy of communal music-making. Read the Case Study and listen below to Eileen explain how the project originated and how she has observed the music park being utilized since its opening.

Libraries are essential for communities and have evolved over the years. They are no longer just a place to find a good book. They now offer study spaces and provide equipment and tools for hire, making them a central point for many cities, towns, and villages worldwide.

In this episode, we will explore how libraries have embraced music. We will hear from academia, the American Library Association, and a library that is benefiting from its outdoor music area.

Libraries are increasingly incorporating music into their offerings, from hosting drum circles to creating outdoor spaces for Music Gardens, Storywalks, and Pollinator Gardens.

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The Madison Children’s Museum has outdoor musical instruments located at both the top of the museum in the 'Rooftop Ramble' and at the bottom in the 'Wonderground' outdoor play space. These instruments are available to play at any time during a visit to the museum. Tim Gruber, the summer outreach coordinator, explains that the museum also incorporates these instruments into 'Music Time with Tim', where visitors can explore the world of music and rhythm.

Read the Case Study and listen below to Lorena Hegedus, Director of the Hubbard Public Library in Ohio, who tells us about their new musical sensory path and ‘StoryWalk®.

Read the Case Study and listen below to Development Officer Alisa Mize of The Museum of Music Making in California as she shares her experience of working with Percussion Play and the impact their new interactive Baby Floor Piano is having on their visitors.

How can making music in the great outdoors support our senior communities? This episode explores how one elder care community is benefiting from a music garden and delves into the impact music can have on cognition, mental health, and physical health. Doctors and researchers will explain their pioneering and latest research, and we will also learn why Denmark is a world leader in senior care, embracing music as a tool to create engaging and happy environments.

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