Diatonic Tembos

C Major Diatonic (C3-C4)

The design of our Tembos is based on a group of instruments called plosive aerophones.

The basic principle of making music on our Tembos is to beat or slap on one end of the tube to create a pressure wave. The tube length determines the wave's size, and different wavelengths make different notes.

These stainless steel Tembos are tuned to the C-major diatonic scale.

Quirky and rather addictive, you can make some surprisingly pleasing deep sounds on the diatonic Tembos by striking the notes with the firm PE (Polyethylene) foam paddles provided.

Product Highlights

  • Diatonic Tuning - Quirky Deep Sounds
  • Vandal Resistant
  • Multi-generational Fun
  • Accessible Play Equipment
  • Inclusive Playground Product

Made to order in 4 Weeks


Diatonic Tembos

Black boy in a park playing huge silver outdoor musical instrument
close up image of the ends of the pipes on a set of diatonic tembos an outdoor musical instrument from percussion play
Little boy wearing a winter hat playing a large silver musical instrument in a park

Ground Install

MSRP $10,100.00
Shipping $1,212.00
Total $11,312.00
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Surface Mounted

MSRP $10,585.00
Shipping $1,270.20
Total $11,855.20
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Shipping to USA, including Import Duties and Taxes (Delivered Duty Paid)

Specification (Ground Install)

Weight 180kg
Width 48.5cm
Height 268cm
Length 79.5cm

Specification (Surface Mounted)

Weight 184kg
Width 48.5cm
Height 268cm
Length 79.5cm

Sound Level Data

50m 51db
10m 59db
<3m 88db


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Man playing instrument

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