Thousands of organizations have come to us wanting our help to bring music and harmony to their parks and playgrounds, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, museums and family-attractions, and many other different settings.

We strongly believe in extending play beyond the traditional, making play inclusive and the positivity of multi-generational interaction. Music has great power for bringing people together and including musical instruments in a park, playground or trail makes music-making irresistible for people of all cultures, ages, and abilities.

Read their reviews of Percussion Play to learn how great outdoor musical instruments have enhanced their outside spaces.

Margaret Gruffydd - Gwynedd, Wales

Fantastic products and excellent quality. Have put colour and happiness into our garden with beautiful sounds. The drum is a lovely addition to our percussion play instruments. It gives a lovely vibration which is a bonus for my son due to his needs.

Marshall Cohen - Lift For Life Academy, St. Louis, MO

A 1st grader ran full speed and hugged me and said thanks this is so awesome! Another said ‘thanks for building the musical instruments' to the installers’. Smiles galore and yes, the ‘it’s my turn’….’no it’s my turn’ was heard many times.

Marshall Cohen - Lift For Life Academy, St. Louis, MO

Thanks for bringing sunshine to the playground. We are now having trouble bringing the kids in from recess.

Case Study

Marshall Cohen - Lift For Life Academy, St. Louis, MO

Great equipment, vibrant colors, sturdy and I mean sturdy equipment and of course the sounds are excellent!

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Janice Burgess, New Leaf Society - Burlington Arboretum, NC, USA

I can certainly attest to the wonderful service I got , our elements shipped safely and at the proposed time quoted. From the beginning, we were given accurate information and excellent service.

Gregg Perras - Quinterra Group Parent - Calgary, Canada

Percussion Play and its owner Robin were nothing short of amazing in their support for our project Quinterra Legacy Garden In Calgary Alberta Canada! Robin helped us choose the 16 instruments that line our musical walkway and performance stage with extreme care and was available 24/7 for prompt discussion despite the time differences with the UK. His personalized customer service was tremendous. He understood the families emotional attachment to our legacy project for five wonderful people who were lost and our cost sensitivities for the Garden. He added a few beautiful touches to the project at his own cost and with loving care. His communication with our project manager was outstanding and he was very, very flexible when snags were encountered. In fact, Percussion Play provided some pieces for the only instrument that we purchased from another manufacturer with no hesitation or cost to us. The Quinterra families cannot thank Robin and his team enough for their help in making our musical garden a reality. The instruments are incredible with beautiful sounds and architecture. They enhance the esthetic of our space and will be a focal point of the Garden for decades to come where families, friends can enjoy various types of music, dance and theatre or just have a picnic and enjoy the incredible views of the water. Percussion Play helped us

Case Study

Tony Howard, Library Director Pickerington Public Library - Pickerington, Ohio

“The creation of the Children’s Music Garden helps the library in accomplishing our vision to meet the lifelong learning and enjoyment needs of our citizens and provides a fun and educational space outside of the building that is accessible to all.”

Case Study

Tony Howard, Library Director Pickerington Public Library - Pickerington, Ohio

“When you walk over and you just tap on that [Babel] drum, you leave the worries of the day behind,”

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Joe Ferguson - Continental Middle School Music Teacher & School Band Leader - Green Valley, South-Central Arizona

“The instruments will help create a sense that music is a central component of Continental culture. They will also provide a valuable resource to our counseling, special education, and speech departments as they provide services to students”

Case Study

Valerie Bassett - Bassett Associates Landscape Architecture Inc. - Calgary, Canada

We used Percussion Play Instruments in a very special musical garden we were designing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Robin was outstanding to deal with along with the rest of the team at Percussion Play. From early design to installation the customer service was spot on. In fact we needed a piece to be shipped during installation. It was ordered on Friday and we had it on site Tuesday, even over a holiday weekend and across the pond! We are thrilled with the quality of the instruments. We had professional musicians play them at the opening and the sound and quality was amazing!! No matter who’s playing the instruments they sound wonderful and draw people into the park both young and old. They are just fun! We live in a winter city and these instruments give opportunity to bring life to the park year-round. We are thrilled we chose Percussion Play instruments for our park and user love them. Valerie Bassett

Case Study

Lupin Keir - Isle of Bute, Scotland

Choosing the instruments for Calum's Cabin has undoubtedly been the best thing about the last few months. The musical instruments from Percussion Play - bought with the money which so many people generously donated in Donald's memory - are beautiful. The inscription on the drum is perfect. Caroline tells me that when families arrive the first thing they do is run outside to play with them. Donald would have loved that.

Case Study

Paul Trapido of Paul Trapido Interpretive Design - Wilmington, Delaware, USA

To help revitalize a park in downtown Wilmington, Delaware, the Rotary Club of Wilmington asked me to create a group of outdoor education al play stations for children. Given the 24/7 unattended urban location, durability had to be a prime consideration, but cost and aesthetics were also important. Finding suitable musical instruments for this tough environment was a real challenge—until I discovered Percussion Play. Their sophisticated design, high quality of materials, and wide range of instrument choices far exceeded anything else I had found; the cost, including shipping from overseas, was very competitive; and communicating with Percussion Play’s very cooperative staff was a pleasure. The installation is a big hit with the park’s nearby schoolchildren and their teachers, local office workers, neighborhood residents, and the Rotary Club members who sponsored the project. I wouldn’t hesitate to use Percussion Play’s instruments again.

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Cara Wildman - Percussionist - Sherman Public Library in Sherman, Texas, USA

I think the outdoor musical instruments are amazing and I'm SO happy the library added them to the park! I think they will be a great community space and I hope that many people will use them and let free their creative spirit that adults often suppress. I've really enjoyed the instruments myself!

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Dave Fleming Rotary Club of Wilmington - Wilmington, Delaware, USA

It is a pleasure to work with a company in which integrity and quality are obvious core values. Consumers deserve to hear from customers whose experience can help them choose from among multiple suppliers. Please do encourage potential clients to contact me. I will be happy to tell them about our very positive experience with Percussion Play.

Case Study

Hastings Kindergarten Teacher - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

As a long time Early Childhood educator and lover of any and everything musical, our recently installed musical playground equipment is such an asset not only for our students but our staff and our community. Music whether vocal or instrumental, is such a universal and integral part of brain development, culture, emotional regulation, and daily life. With the addition of our wonderful outdoor musical playground, our students can now 'make their own kind of music' using emotions, whole body movement, tapping, clapping, dancing, rhythm, and repetition along with the use of cooperating skills. Simply brings joy. We want to thank you for the opportunity to bring JOY to our students, staff and community

Case Study

Fourth Grade Teacher (and parent of 2nd graders) - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

I believe the musical playground is giving kids an opportunity to express their emotions through music by creatively maneuvering amongst the instruments to produce their own wonderful melodies. My kids personally have loved it because their imaginations take over when they are out there and they are able to experiment with the variety of instruments and sounds that each one makes.

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Fifth Grade Teacher - Hastings Nebraska - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

The students are excited and enjoying them. Students who do not play much have found themselves being on the instruments. It provides the non-sport upper elementary kids an outlet

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Hastings Music Teacher - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

Current fine arts/music education standards in the United States are generally based on the actions of "Create, Perform, Respond, and Connect." As part of the standards, one goal of music education programs is for students to be able to "generate/conceptualize, organize/develop, and refine/complete artistic ideas and work." Not only should students be able to meet these goals INSIDE the school building, by having a space and trained music specialist dedicated to music education, but community members of school-age and beyond should have opportunities to create music OUTSIDE of the school environment as well. This MUSICAL playground equipment offers the unique opportunity for ALL citizens, age 2 to 102, to be able to experiment with sound and sound combinations, and create their own music! Users can create and play alone, or through collaboration with others. This outlet for creativity provides unique benefits not attained in other areas of daily life, and leads to connectedness and well-being that benefit all of us!

Case Study

Mike Howie - Hastings Kiwanis - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

When we were researching outdoor musical playgrounds we narrowed choices to present to elementary music teachers to Percussion Play and one other company. We wanted to give the teachers a choice so they would have input on the process. Once the teachers saw the images and watched videos of each option they overwhelmingly selected Percussion Play, which we were happy about because it was our first choice, too. We preferred Percussion Play because the instruments look -- and sound -- like real musical instruments. Some of the other options looked like more like a regular playground equipment or toys and did not have the same quality sound. Once the instruments arrived, we were so impressed by how they looked and sounded. It really made everyone very happy we chose Percussion Play.

Case Study

Mike Howie - Hastings Kiwanis - Hastings, Nebraska, USA

I had played on outdoor musical instruments before, and thought it would be wonderful project for our community. It's a great way for children to be creative in different ways while outside playing. Plus, musical playgrounds are enjoyable for all ages, so by putting eight musical playgrounds all over our community, we thought it would be a great way to reach parents and grandparents, too.

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Diane Muller - Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary, Phoenix, AZ

“I just visited Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary in Phoenix AZ today to see their new healing garden. The bells are a comforting addition to this peaceful space”.

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Clive Farmer Estates & Facilities Manager Kingsweston School - Bristol, UK

Of the head teachers whom have visited the school thus far, to say that they are envious of our outdoor musical space would be an understatement!

Suzanne Baxter - Aurora St Christopher's School, Bristol UK

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your time, effort and patience. Your musical instruments are beautiful and such a fitting tribute to my son Harry. They both look and sound incredible - the sound is so strong and pure, and the craftmanship is outstanding. Both the children and carers love them. We had a ‘grand opening’ of ‘Harry’s musical garden’ and a ‘Celebration of Harry's life' on the last day of term with music, photos, ice cream and sunshine. It was emotional but so full of love and memories - the instruments took pride of place.

Brad Boardman-Executive Director - Morgan Autism Center, San Jose, California

Our students are overjoyed with the new Percussion Play Outdoor Music elements.

Dave Fleming - President of the Rotary Club of Wilmington - Delaware USA

These instruments we ordered from Percussion Play exceeded our expectations in every way. The quality of the craftsmanship, the obvious durability of the instruments, and the fabulous sounds that they emit were absolutely perfect for our park installation. All aspects of our interaction with the company have been memorable for their professionalism and clear emphasis on customer satisfaction

Case Study
Man playing instrument

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