
Thousands of organizations have come to us wanting our help to bring music and harmony to their parks and playgrounds, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, museums and family-attractions, and many other different settings.

We strongly believe in extending play beyond the traditional, making play inclusive and the positivity of multi-generational interaction. Music has great power for bringing people together and including musical instruments in a park, playground or trail makes music-making irresistible for people of all cultures, ages, and abilities.

Read their reviews of Percussion Play to learn how great outdoor musical instruments have enhanced their outside spaces.

Percussion Play

Falon Mihalic - Landscape Architect & Project Manager Houston Texas

"The kids experience so much joy when interacting with the instruments. You can see it in their faces that they are delighted."

Case Study

Alexa Wheaton - Owner Zuma Zoo Daycare Montezuma, Iowa, USA

The new musical instruments have added great educational value to the playground. It has been so fun to watch our kids interact with one another while playing. We especially love the xylophone that has the songs with the color-coded notes to play

Case Study

Kurt Hanna - Elementary Principal at Montezuma School Iowa, USA

The musical playground has been a wonderful addition. Students now have the cultural exposure that gets them excited about the fine arts

Case Study

Dave Hoeger - Montezuma School Superintendent Montezuma, Iowa, USA

These instruments will provide our students a wonderful opportunity each day while at recess to work with their friends to create a wonderful new tune.

Case Study

Niamh Egan - Chair of Greystones Playground Committee Ireland. Greystones, Co Wicklow, Ireland

Without exception your instruments have brought a little magic and joy to everyone who has walked through the gates of our playground.

Case Study

Niamh Egan - Chair of Greystones Playground Committee Ireland Greystones, Co Wicklow, Ireland

Nothing prepared me for the sheer joy that your instruments brought to our playground. The sound they create alone or together is unique in our town and brings a sense of calmness, relaxation to those in the playground whilst also giving joy and sense of magic to those playing your instruments that this beautiful sound is coming from them!

Case Study