
Thousands of organizations have come to us wanting our help to bring music and harmony to their parks and playgrounds, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, museums and family-attractions, and many other different settings.

We strongly believe in extending play beyond the traditional, making play inclusive and the positivity of multi-generational interaction. Music has great power for bringing people together and including musical instruments in a park, playground or trail makes music-making irresistible for people of all cultures, ages, and abilities.

Read their reviews of Percussion Play to learn how great outdoor musical instruments have enhanced their outside spaces.

Percussion Play

Rachel Hayden - Medina House Community Special School Isle of Wight, UK

We’re very happy with the outdoor musical instruments we have here at Medina House. Staff working with our pupils with more complex physical needs have reported that the instruments have been great motivators during physio and OT work, encouraging pupils to stand for longer periods of time, or stand and use their physical skills independently. They’ve also reported how great it is for the pupils to have independent access to the instruments to develop their play and offer more creative activities and alternative opportunities when they are out on the playground. They’ve been useful in helping to improve inter-class communication and social skills at playtime.

Case Study

David Collier - Coastal Activity Park Manager Boscombe, Dorset UK

Our harsh seafront environment is notoriously unforgiving on metal installations, but six months in the outdoor musical instruments look as good as they did on installation day. The public reaction to them has been fantastic! From the off, contact with Percussion Play was both friendly and professional and we have seen this continue after sales.”

Case Study

Trip Advisor Boscombe, Dorset UK

We both love playing on the musical instruments, and love it when we are playing on the beach and paddling in the sea you can hear the chimes from the pier!

Case Study

Lions Park (Music Therapist) Søllerød, Denmark

We’ve just installed the instruments and both I and several of the staff have had fun with the residents in the new musical garden. One lady in her 70’s has moderately severe dementia,. When she was younger she would play the piano, however whenever I tried playing the piano with her during our sessions she would become frustrated and upset because she was no longer able to play ‘correctly’. However, taking her into the garden to play the pentatonic instruments which she could just play and explore, with no wrong notes, her senses were opened and music making became enjoyable again.

Case Study

Care Worker - Aars Elder Centre Aars, Denmark

One of our dementia residents has difficulty lifting one arm. When he first starts to play the outdoor xylophone he can barely lift his arm, yet before long he starts to lift it higher and higher, the effect can be seen after just a few minutes!”

Case Study

Director - Future Homes Development UK

Our lovely courtyard lacked anything that was sculptural, create curiosity and encourage activity. Now we have the musical instruments which do all three! They are used extensively by passers-by as it is impossible to walk past them and not have a go. A very good investment.

Case Study